Friday, August 28, 2009

Do you see the woman
Sitting 2 rowes from the front
With the mkae up
Coverin the black eye He gave her last night
And d yo see the man of to the left side
hiss eyesy use to shine
but now they just show
THe hang over fromt he night befor

THeare are our people
There the ones who ahve the mask
plaster agenst there face
So last take thme in Lets raise thme up
And lets show the Gods grae inthis place

Do you see the girl
With the blonda hair
Mom and dad divered and she rember it all
Now she noy even shere God exits
And what abotu that teenager nect to her
Wopuld you boleve she's tihnk aoubt tkae her life

THeare are our people
There the ones who ahve the mask
plaster agenst there face
So last take thme in Lets raise thme up
And lets show the Gods grae inthis place

Theres the collige frate boy
Who jsut a weke ago
hAd his friend die in his arms
After a car reck
Adnt her a mother whos son took his own life
SHe dosnt know whare she went wrong

THeare are our people
There the ones who ahve the mask
plaster agenst there face
So last take thme in Lets raise thme up
And show thme Gods grace

what happend to us
what happend to this place
now we hold the mask firm
firm to our face
And we ownt let no one in
Ho no we wont let no one in

THeare are our people
There the ones who ahve the mask
plaster agenst there face
So last take thme in Lets raise thme up
And show thme Gods grace

HO elts ripe of the maks
FO society
stop playingt he fack smile
Adn be who were made to be

THeare are our people
There the ones who ahve the mask
plaster agenst there face
So last take thme in Lets raise thme up
And show thme Gods grace

And show thme Gods grace

Friday, August 21, 2009

MY dear child

Come her my child
Come sit in my shadow
Let the sun beat donw on our backs
LEt us smeell the freshley cut gras
And let me tell you a store
As you lay you're head gentley agnest me
For theres seomthing you dont know
Sometihng that you havent heard
Soemithng you havet seen in this dark place you;re in
A secret that has been hididng fomr you;re eyes
But my child today
Among the blosuming trease
Adn the sweat sweat lilles
With the sun beating down on us
And the smeell of freshley cut grass
Adn with you;re head gently agnest me
I will share it with you
I will tell you the secret you never knew
THe one that might not hlep you
But the one that keep s others going
THe one that tells the truth aoubt love
And gives the aswer to smoe questiona
And couse even more
My child i wissh to tell you
THat i wish to tkae all the pain in the world fomr you
I iwsh to take the pain i i cna see in you;re body
That frail body fo you;re
THe one i can see that ahs becoem weak
I care o take that pain fomr you my child
I want to wrap mya rms around you hold you close
And take it fomr you all of it
I wnat the pain you have to disaper
If you are stnading clos to death door
Let me through you to lifes door
ELt me statr death in the eyes for you
Dor my child
My dear sweayt child
As we sit hear uming the singing birds
Amoung the bue sky
With the trees blusming
Ans ther liles lising to our secret words
Withe the sun beating down on use
Adn the smell of freshily cut grass lingering umung us
I tlel you iths
My dear child
I lvoe you
I love you like icna not telll you
I wnat to take all pain fomr you
bEocues my sweat child i wish tou to be happy
I wish to see you fly with he brids
CFor you; eyes to twinkal like the big blue sky
Fro you to climb umung the blusums fo the treees
And for you to share you;re gigles with the lilies that will alwasy listne in
My child coem here
LAy you;re head in my lap
LEt me strok you;re hear softley
ELt me tell you the secrets that you sohudl hear
THat i would lvoe to take all th pain fomr you
THat i want o see you hpappe
THat i woudl give anyitnhgh for you my child
Adn this all becosue i lveo you
ear sweat child
One day yu and i
We shall not sit with the birds singing aroudn us
One day my dear shild
WE shall not sit bunethe the blue sky
Or amonng the closuming tress
We my dear shild
We will not have the sun beat down on use
Shall not share are secrets with the lilleis slsitnig in
Adn the senct fo the freshily cut grase will be forgotn fomr you;re midn
For my dear child
One day you will cly of
You will fallow the path that God has set fory ou
And my dear child liek al grate things
Oh child do not cry
One day my dear child i will hold you agne
We shall sit agne umung the sing birds chiping butful hims
Umung the blosming treas that never die
We shall have the Son smile down on us
We shall sit bunthe the blues sky that seams to never tunr gray
And we my child
Shalll share are secrest among the lillies that never semem to droup
And my child will will smels the sweat sweat smelel of newly cut grass and it wlll never be forgten domfr our mind
But today my dear child as we siter her
As you lean agenst em so gently
And I anrap you in my hold
I wish for th epain you feal to be tkae formy ou
I pray for you;re happins to come unuf for you toe rember waht it is
But to always apreatit it
And i pray that you;re hart will filll with love
Like the love i see you so frelly give away
Now my shild lay agenst em so doftly as you so
LEt the birds sing amung us
LEt the sun beat donw on us
LEt us sit amoung the tress that are blosuming
Luet us sit benth the blue sky
Let us tell our secrest with the lilleys listing in
And lsitne to my voice
Telling you the things i wish you to know
THe secreats i want you to know
And let us be
For now let us jsut be

Friday, August 7, 2009

I sohuld tell you i sohuld tell you

Ever wish you coudl say waht you need to
see ei find my self hiding
hididng all emtion all fealling
I hide anytihng that mkes me human
I dont wnat ot ltkato people so idont
Im sure if wiant edt o tlak
THere are plentey around to talk ot
But i dont wna t to
I wnat to stay whare i am contant
In a world whare i tell my self that it iwll be ok
And i make my self feal better
In a place i nthkim safe
But realy i make tihngs wrse
See imade a mworld for my self
Whare i ahve control
THere are things i cnat aviod thoguh
Like the fact that i feal physical pain
Im jsut cures as how i was walking wrong for so lpong and no dr ever noticed
Now i ahve to cortrrect it
MAn im use to that
Fixiing my mistaxes
I make thos alot
I jsut wish people would stop lblaming them self
If iwant to talk i will
Boelve me im harde head unuf that you cant stop me
But i dont wnat to so wont

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I knew it would happen
I wished that for once i oculd domsoenitf wrifht
and it didint happen
i saw my serlf driving on sunday
but no not any more
i failed thats all ther is to it
I made a stupid stupid mistake and i cant bolev ei did that
I was stupid
and itotice
Im an ideat
Adn i cant boelve that i did sucha thing
I got cokey
I sohuld hav eknow
Now ido ill fial next wekke two i know that much
Im not trong unuf
I msmart unuf to knwo that
No one souhld say idnfnret
cosue illl fight thme to the death
not sure why im evne tryign out
but i am
i lvoe soccer
but know that th last time i tepped on a field and last itme ill ever step on a field was psa
Tired of me
Tired of failing
Tired fo life
wont kaw the play
LEt add that to the lsit
Wish i coudl do better
But cant
Live a pathtic life
Am pathetic

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

i sit alone
on aw et deack
and its 3 am
and iv;e done it agne
what ienver wanted to do

cose its 3 am
and i messesd up agne
did tthe wrong thing once more
and i dont know waht to do
cosue im such a mess
and its 3 am

i made you insicre
i made you feal unsafe
adn i never inted to
but its 3 am
and i find my self in this place agne

cose its 3 am
and i messesd up agne
did tthe wrong thing once more
and i dont know waht to do
cosue im such a mess
and its 3 am

im jsut a screw iup
someone who will never do wright
and i cnat be who is needed
and i cant od what tneeds to be done

cose its 3 am
and i messesd up agne
did tthe wrong thing once more
and i dont know waht to do
cosue im such a mess
and its 3 am